2.6L Fuel inj,
Changed TPS, fuel filter, spark plugs, air filter, PCM
16 psi FP. Good flow.
Nothing helped.
If I hold the key in start position, it will continue to run.
If I spray starting fluid into it, it will continue to run.
Why is it dieing on me?
Alternator, low gas, brake, oil pressure lights on when running (some times)
I've spent two days on this stupid truck.
Is there a magic fix???
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Answers & Comments
Verified answer
your answer is in your description. Lights are stay ing on because the alternator isnt fully charging at proper idle speed therefore your lights will remain on.16 pounds is all?normally you would need 30-40 pounds to properlly run a vehicle.try a pump.you will be surprized.
For the engine of your Isuzu, try to press the pedal to have high rev, is the engine turn off? If it is, your problem is on fuel pump, the pressure is only work for idle, replace it. Next to check is the ignition coil, is it very hot so you can't touch it? If it is, it mean a new coil is needed, a short is happening inside. Also make sure the wiring system on ignition system is tight. For dashboard light, please do a tight all wire socket and re-isolate the socket from being conatct each other.
check the fuel line, next how old is the fuel in the truck, if its been in there for awhile, your gas may have turned in a thick solvent , you know like sugar in the gas tank'. you might have to flush out the
whole system .all so look into the fuel pump .