1993 Ford Ranger Pick Up...Has extra battery spot under hood for an auxilary battery. How do we connect it?
We want to connect the auxilary battery, is there a kit to do this? Can it be done, and please....Tell us how. We don't want to do it wrong and blow out our entire system. Thank You
As noted, you need a set of cables to connect the two batteries, positive to positive, negative to negative. The cables must be VERY carefully routed and well protected so that they are not damaged. The positive cable especially - if it abrades, and shorts to ground, there will be a fire.
In addition, you'll need a clamp or bracket to secure the second battery in place.
Not including the battery, this is going to cost you between $50 and $100. Is it worth it?
Adding the second battery will make the front of your truck heavier, which will have a negative impact on handling and braking distances. If you normally carry a load in the back, this will not be significant.
on your truck their is a space for wiring in the second battery. you need the same wiring for the second battery as the first. connect pos to pos and neg to neg start with the pos. Very easy to do. if you don't feel comfortable to do it then check with a stereo shop to put it in. they do it all the time, good luck.
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Parallel connection - increase amperage, but voltage remains the same.
Series connection - increase voltage, but amperage remains the same. Do the first one .
As noted, you need a set of cables to connect the two batteries, positive to positive, negative to negative. The cables must be VERY carefully routed and well protected so that they are not damaged. The positive cable especially - if it abrades, and shorts to ground, there will be a fire.
In addition, you'll need a clamp or bracket to secure the second battery in place.
Not including the battery, this is going to cost you between $50 and $100. Is it worth it?
Adding the second battery will make the front of your truck heavier, which will have a negative impact on handling and braking distances. If you normally carry a load in the back, this will not be significant.
on your truck their is a space for wiring in the second battery. you need the same wiring for the second battery as the first. connect pos to pos and neg to neg start with the pos. Very easy to do. if you don't feel comfortable to do it then check with a stereo shop to put it in. they do it all the time, good luck.
pos to pos and neg to neg