I have a two year old who is developmental delayed do to schizencephley and other problems, and her speech is verry far behind. we are seeing a speech therepist through first steps but she turns three at the end of july next year and i want to get her into further thereapy other thant in school...any suggestions?
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My daughter was speech-delayed, and I applied for services through the local schools. Since she was under 3 at the time, they sent a therapist to the house 3 times a week for 1-on-1 therapy. Once she turned 3, they paid for her to be bussed to a special ed preschool every day where she had pull-outs for 1-on-1 speech therapy every day, as well as small group speech and whole-classroom enrichment. She is thriving and will be mainstreamed for kindergarten.
If you're not getting what you need from your current therapy, then take her to the doctor for a referral for a specialist. Your insurance should pay for some additional therapies and services, but you'll have to advocate on your daughter's behalf.
We got our services through the Munroe-Meyer Institute at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. You can learn more about MMI here: http://webmedia.unmc.edu/mmi/pdf/MMIClinicalServic...
I do not know where you live or if this is available in your area but I would suggest The Kennedy Krieger Institute. Also, you could go to your library to see if there is a information about any county programs you could sign her up for.
Try at a local university that has Speech Pathology. They are always looking for clients.
dont worry about it- i didnt talk until i was 3 1/2!