If the man is relatively lower middle class in France, and has one degree already, what are the chances of him being able to come to America to study, semi-permanently? What would that entail (other than testing and English tests etc.)? Are there any types of monetary aids he could apply for?
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I can say that there is a good chance that you can come to the U.S. and study. There are many different ways to do this. Calling/E-mailing/Contacting Universities is the BIGGEST way to have success because you need the I-20 Document for taking the F1 Student Visa.
The best way is to:
1. Pick what degree you would like to study for.
2. Look for Universities that have this degree you would like and try to gain admission
3. Call them and ask about scholarship opportunities they have for International Students.
4. In addition to this look for programs through the U.S. Dept. of the State and Full-bright Foundation. I know that they have sponsored students from Iraq and Libya.
5. Once in the U.S. there is the chance that you could stay if you have a company wanting to hire you, and willing to sponsor you to take a green card.
However for the F1 visa you would need a financial guarantee for the university to give you admission.
In the United States, the F visas are a type of non-immigrant student visa that allows foreigners to pursue education (academic studies and/or language training programs) in the United States. F-1 visas are only issued in U.S. embassies and consulates outside the United States.
Prospective F-1 students must apply at the schools and receive a form I-20 in order to apply for an F-1 visa. F-1 students must show that they are able to support themselves during their stay in the U.S., as their opportunities for legal employment are quite limited.
Hope that helps.
He has to apply for a student visa after being accepted into a US university. He will have to show he has enough money to pay the very expensive international student tuition as well as living expenses. He cannot work in the US while on a student visa. He is not eligible for any financial aid.