I am trying to find ouy what legal recourse a property owner has when a tenant(already behind on rent) abandons an apartment without notice and breaks the lease-thanks!
Your going to have to take the issue to court, if you are the landlord. Of course, you will have to find out where these tenants have gone to so they can be served with papers. But there will be no question that the Judge will rule in the landlords favor and award damages (back rent, etc.) to the landlord.
If he can track you down the property owner can get back rent plus the amount of the remaining lease. Also if anything is damaged in the time that you left it and the time he realises it has been vacated he can get you for that. Why not tell him you are breaking the lease and see if he can find someone else to rent it? I think then you won't be liable for the remaining lease.
renting an apartment, is like leasing a car on 12 or 24 months partial payments with the whole amount is also on the rent agreement.
If you do not pay the full amount of your leased car just send it back to where you bought ,or desert it somewhere, breaking the agreement, the same thing.
He is awarded, at least tries to be awarded, the money you owe from a judge. After that he collects the money plus the legal costs from you either directly or via garnishing wages and tax returns.
pass on your city land information workplace, they are in a position to furnish you the call of the owner. despite the fact that, in the event that they're deserted, you may be coping with a economic corporation of different lender. the city information might desire to tell you if there has been a pass with the aid of foreclosure.
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Your going to have to take the issue to court, if you are the landlord. Of course, you will have to find out where these tenants have gone to so they can be served with papers. But there will be no question that the Judge will rule in the landlords favor and award damages (back rent, etc.) to the landlord.
If he can track you down the property owner can get back rent plus the amount of the remaining lease. Also if anything is damaged in the time that you left it and the time he realises it has been vacated he can get you for that. Why not tell him you are breaking the lease and see if he can find someone else to rent it? I think then you won't be liable for the remaining lease.
renting an apartment, is like leasing a car on 12 or 24 months partial payments with the whole amount is also on the rent agreement.
If you do not pay the full amount of your leased car just send it back to where you bought ,or desert it somewhere, breaking the agreement, the same thing.
He is awarded, at least tries to be awarded, the money you owe from a judge. After that he collects the money plus the legal costs from you either directly or via garnishing wages and tax returns.
pass on your city land information workplace, they are in a position to furnish you the call of the owner. despite the fact that, in the event that they're deserted, you may be coping with a economic corporation of different lender. the city information might desire to tell you if there has been a pass with the aid of foreclosure.
You go to small claims court. There is no other way that I know of. Good luck.
i am the tenant and im at the door with my laptop right now! jk!