This is my first time writing a research paper and it's for my wrost subject! I chose to write about the china one-child policy,and im confused about what to do for it! thank u so much who ever gives me the best research paper!! i needed the help! i don't even know how long it should be! teacher said 4-5 pages, sorry for the inconvinience but plz help!!
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You can do this!
First, google your subject and start reading. As you find interesting things, print them off or make a note of the info and the site for the bibliography. Once you are pretty sure you have a grip on the subject, make an outline. Then take your print outs and put them in the order of your outline. If you discover you need a source for a point on your outline, go back to google and get it. Once you have it all, start writing. Leave your research in order to make writing the bibliography a breeze.
Good luck, and have fun! You picked a really interesting topic.
Should pornography be restricted by law? Should newspaper reporters be required to reveal their sources? Have the large salaries of professional athletes had a negative impact on the athletes or the sports? Should English be declared the official language of the United States? Should adoption records be open rather than sealed? Should tobacco companies be held responsible for smoking-related illnesses and deaths? Should bartenders be held responsible for the behavior of their patrons? These should help give you an idea for a topic.
Writing a good outline is the key to writing a good research paper. I wrote one for my 160 page master's thesis, and I was not afraid to update the outline as I was writing the thesis. You can do this. Good luck.
You have to park yerself down--and using point form start jotting some ideas--ie) what is the policy--why is it implemented-what are the repercussions of it--how is it enforceable-what do the people think of it etc. Then put your thoughts in order--start researching and then write it.
Well you didn't really specify what you're getting graded on so it's hard for me to help you. Try googling it perhaps but stay clear of Wikipedia and other unprofessional sources.