Would a Ramp Agent be a good job? and do you fuel,empty,load bags,unload bags,take bags to the terminal? or am i missing something? Also are you assigned a type of vicheal like a beltloader,tugger,lav truck,fuel truck ect.?
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It is a very fun but dangerous job. You will be required and trained on:
Loading and unloading bags onto the aircraft according to the load factor sheet
Emptying the aircraft lavatories
Cleaning the aircraft on turn flights
Cleaning the aircraft on RON (Remain overnight) flights
Marshaling aircraft into and out of the gates
Wing walking the aircraft into and out of gates
Pushing back aircraft (my favorite)
Re-fueling the tugs, beltloaders, and push back tractors
De-Fodding the ramp (picking up trash on the ramp)
De-Icing the aircraft's (in stations that are small)
Bag running (moving bags from the bag room to the aircraft)
Bag sorter (in the bag room making sure the bags get loaded on to the correct flights and separated from local to connecting - depends on how your station does it or to the load sheet)
Any other duties your station manager requests.