i asked a simarlar question earlier but no1 gave me the awnser i needed.
Is the screen size an issue on this laptop when gaming????? and is it good at gaming? Please say YES IT IS , cause your an alienware fanboy or something , awnser honestly.
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Bjorn, obviously you have not seen the stats for the M11x. True, it can't beat a true gaming desktop, but it can still smoke anything under $1000. I would say it probably would be, though I have never used one (although my friend actually ordered one a week ago), however you could always hook it up to an external screen. If you do this, also use an external keyboard because using a keyboard to the side is extremely awkward.
ANYTIME you purchase a laptop, you are sacrificing gaming performance for the ability to take it with you.
There will never be a laptop that can compare with a desktop in gaming performance, as you can always upgrade desktops and laptops have a small window of upgrade ability.
For a laptop, it as a great gaming system and screen size is not an issue. IF it was, they wouldn't make it with that size screen.