I think you should be very careful with buying designer glasses on eBay, since they could even upload the picture of an authentic pair. Besides that, it is really difficult to recognize from the picture, because even the logo or letters in the lenses can be copied. The best way to determine the authencity is to have them checked at a local optician... real Ray Ban's are always cut from one piece of glass and metal (while in fake one's usually different pieces are used).
Maybe you could also have a look at other online stores that are known for selling authentic designer wear. I have for example bought my pair of sunglasses at www.smartbuyglasses.com. I had the same issue as you, but they offered me a cool down period in which I was allowed to return the glasses. I took my sunnies to the optician during that period, and she told me they were authentic.
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I think you should be very careful with buying designer glasses on eBay, since they could even upload the picture of an authentic pair. Besides that, it is really difficult to recognize from the picture, because even the logo or letters in the lenses can be copied. The best way to determine the authencity is to have them checked at a local optician... real Ray Ban's are always cut from one piece of glass and metal (while in fake one's usually different pieces are used).
Maybe you could also have a look at other online stores that are known for selling authentic designer wear. I have for example bought my pair of sunglasses at www.smartbuyglasses.com. I had the same issue as you, but they offered me a cool down period in which I was allowed to return the glasses. I took my sunnies to the optician during that period, and she told me they were authentic.
The real ones have Ray Ban writen on one of the lens, I think the right one. Hope I Helped!
raybanchina.net is the No.1 choice if i want rayban sunglasses now..
to be safe, buy your own.
go to walmart, they got them for $5.
and if anyone says anything about them being fake..
say, "I don't see you.. even owning a pair".
of course, -- ¡Don't buy on ebay(first),second -- watch the mark!