Update:And their little high pitched voices. ohh. pinch me. soo effin hottttt. sizzle. yay! go eyeliner. yay punk! so so hott. im melting over their hottness. i bow down. TURNON FOR MUAH! so hot and so cute. what do you think? and name a few hot guys that wear eyeliner!
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Verified answer
OMFG! I love guys in eyeliner too! It is too dam hot! LOL! tlhey look so sexy! like Brendon urie from Panic at the disco! The hottest man on earth! I love him! I just can't get over his hotness. It si just so sexy on a guy! I dont know why but I just think it makes them stand out!
Honestly, it depends on the guy and the style. For instance, BJ can pull it off beautifully because he has very soft features. But he can only pull it off with the black hair. Whenever he wore it with his blonde hair (which was thankfully very rare) he looked like a total dorkass.
Yeah, my answer isn't much help at all. Sry ^_^
O yaaa there hott with eyeliner if there like thatt type of guy tho
Freakin YA! Guys in eyeliner is AWESOME! They're so Hott.
Yay! Someone who has the same taste as me! Yup, I definately am in love with the Billie Joe look. My friends always laugh at me for it, but I cant help it.....eyeyliner rocks!
i must say men in eyeliner are so attractive. as long as it is applied right and not too thick. if it is thin and enhances the eyes then it is a major turn on, yes
no i dont think guys need things like eyeliner...its their personal choice to use it i have nothing against that...but personally i dont find guys who wear eyeliner hott...
maximum frequently its warm as long as he knows a thank you to placed on it precise (its no longer all smeared and in each single place) through fact it makes his eyes stand out extra, and his stares look extra intense. somewhat I see no longer something "gay" approximately it through fact if females are waiting to placed on makeup, why shouldn't adult adult males be waiting to, too?
johnny depp as a pirate surely is... That eyeliner look is "wonderful"
omg yeah they are hot
eyeliner is hot on actually makes me jealous that they can look good in make-up