there's a classical song that is played very loudly as background music in the are just before the room where Elizabeth finds outs that she's comstock's daughter. in the first lady area. its not in the soundtrack listings. I've heard it before just cant remember the name. does anyone know??
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The song interior the game is from that factor period in case you locate Albert Fink's abode. "Albert Fink is a musician and brother of Jeremiah Fink. He runs the mystical Melodies studio in Emporia. He has managed to achieve large fulfillment with the help of the launch of quite a few fairly useful songs. even if, curiously unknown to the final public, those songs are actual plagiarized from the destiny, because of a Tear interior the studio. This Tear and Albert's organization are curiously the source of each of the anachronistic song covers heard for the time of Columbia. "
It's Mozart's Requiem.