so i had my period like normal about 2 weeks ago, and it went away for a few days and then i had brwon discharge, and that lasted about another week, and then it stopped for almost 3 days, and now i am discharging this brown stuff again.... has any one ever had this, we have been ttc for 3 years now and this never happened before, could this be pregnancy, or an infection of some sort, please dont say its normal, bc i know whats normal and this definitley isnt!
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The brown stuff is old blood normally from after your period, I get it often and it started after i started taking birth control. Its really nothing to worry about.
that is normal. The reason it is brown is brown is because it is old blood that is being released towards the end of your period.
The same thing happen to me, my ob said that it was just old blood and every thing was fine. but as you know everyone is different so double check that with your doc. best wishes..
if you just start birth control that is likely the reason, if not you could have an infection too
go see your ob