My boyfriend has done debate in college (and in high school) and he is into politics and stuff. I want to be better than him at debate. And I don't know anything about politics, so I want to learn it and win arguments against him. >:D
Is it too late to start debate in college, such as joining a debate club? Will they all laugh at me if I don't know anything about debate and have never ever been in debate before? Help. I also don't know much about politics, other than democrat=freedom seeking, more accepting and stuff, and republican=old people, religious people, lol. Or was it liberal vs conservative? Liberal=freedom, and conservative=old religious people? See I don't even know any of that lol. And btw, I'm not focusing my career on politics, my career will be in medicine. But I just really wanna beat my bf at debate and have fun.
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Yes, you can join debate in college, as long as the school you go to has a team or a club! No matter your political stance or how much you know about the world, you will have fun in debate. No one cares if you're liberal or conservative, and no one will ever point out your political stance in a debate.
The differences in college and high school debate is, college is more philosophical and critical thinking. And college debaters talk FAST; it's a tactic called "spreading" and it's to get as many cards/points across as possible in the time limit, but you can ask to see their cards.
In college, the same resolution is kept year around, and it's always a current affair topic. This year's resolution is "Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reduce restrictions on and/or substantially increase financial incentives for energy production in the United States of one or more of the following: coal, crude oil, natural gas, nuclear power, solar power, wind power.". You're not trying to promote that your argument is the best, you're just to either support or unsupported the resolution. If your debate case did have a 100% solution to the problem, then you would have a Noble Peace Prize.
Another thing is in college, you will have a debate coach to help guide you when looking for research, help you become a stronger debater, and network you with a strong support group. The most popular debate form is CEDA, and I will provide you a link to it. Good Luck!