so i have a 20 gallon tank it has oxygen, filter, and a thermometer that reads 70 i want to put 3 cichlids in it now but i don't know if they can live in that temp for two days then i am buying a heater anyone know?????
Wait for the heater. Your fish will be much happier. My oscar wouldn't eat when his tank temperature dropped to 74 degrees. I had to buy a new heater two weeks ago.
Be careful what three cichlids you put in there, there aren't a whole lot of cichlids that can live in a twenty. At least not three of them.
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Wait for the heater. Your fish will be much happier. My oscar wouldn't eat when his tank temperature dropped to 74 degrees. I had to buy a new heater two weeks ago.
Be careful what three cichlids you put in there, there aren't a whole lot of cichlids that can live in a twenty. At least not three of them.
they may live but the water should be 78 no garanete they will live though