My mom did my dad had to drag her to the car lmaooo
Update:My mom started to cry and wouldn't let go of my hand. so my teacher grab my other hand and pulled me from my mom then my dad had to grab my mom and drag her off LMAOOO
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My mom didn't cry, but I did! I was a shy kid and was scared of strangers. I wouldn't let go of her hand, so she sat with me for the first 10 minutes.
No I was the middle child so she was happy to get me out of the house, but I'm almost 100% sure she did for my youngest sister haha
yess but I think it's because I was hysterically crying while screaming... "don't leave me mommy!" Lol I wasn't to excited about school -_-
they did not tell me and i can't remember that date
Nope, she was fine.