i suffer from migraines badley during my time of the month.
i cant stand the light or noise. pain relief rarely works 4 me. the only way to get rid of mine is 2 sleep.. but i cant lay still, cant move about.
i get them bad and its unbearable..somrtimes mine last for 4 / 5 days.. with a headache a couple asprins and usually goes away and can continue with the daily routine...
A head ache is normally a throbbing sensation in your head, is normally brought on by hunger, lack of sleep, too much of something (consumables), or seeing the same image for an extended period of time.
Migraines are not a throb but more of a sharp pain in the head. Sensitivity to light is extreme and can even cause more pain. Moving body parts can cause the migraine to worsen. Noise can also cause the migraine to worsen. The origin of a migraine is debatable, a lot of people believe a head ache that is not taken care of can escalate into a migraine.
In my experience the best cure for both is ibuprofen and rest, (normally in a dark area away from light and noise)
The simple answer to your question is:
Headache = throb and is a bearable condition
Migraine = Sharp Pain and is a crippling condition
I agree with all of these answers and I suffer from Migraines once a month with my cycle, but for some of the people on here, for years I suffered every month with a migraine for days all I would do is stay in bed but now I'm on a new med. from my doctor called Max-alt and I haven't been stuck in bed since so don't give up you don't have to suffer with migraines there are lots of med out there that can help.
I'd say a headache is when you have that nagging consistent throb that hurts, but is bearable, you can, for the most part, still continue with your day. Where a mmigraine is enough to take you out, when you can't stand light, noise, even standing up, or when it hurts so bad it makes you physically sick.
There are many different types of headaches and migraines are a TYPE of headache. It is caused by constriction of the blood vessels in the brain and has certain symptoms such as aura, visual disturbances, nausea, sensitivity to light, etc..
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headaches are bearable.. migraines are not..
i suffer from migraines badley during my time of the month.
i cant stand the light or noise. pain relief rarely works 4 me. the only way to get rid of mine is 2 sleep.. but i cant lay still, cant move about.
i get them bad and its unbearable..somrtimes mine last for 4 / 5 days.. with a headache a couple asprins and usually goes away and can continue with the daily routine...
A head ache is normally a throbbing sensation in your head, is normally brought on by hunger, lack of sleep, too much of something (consumables), or seeing the same image for an extended period of time.
Migraines are not a throb but more of a sharp pain in the head. Sensitivity to light is extreme and can even cause more pain. Moving body parts can cause the migraine to worsen. Noise can also cause the migraine to worsen. The origin of a migraine is debatable, a lot of people believe a head ache that is not taken care of can escalate into a migraine.
In my experience the best cure for both is ibuprofen and rest, (normally in a dark area away from light and noise)
The simple answer to your question is:
Headache = throb and is a bearable condition
Migraine = Sharp Pain and is a crippling condition
Hope this helps!
I agree with all of these answers and I suffer from Migraines once a month with my cycle, but for some of the people on here, for years I suffered every month with a migraine for days all I would do is stay in bed but now I'm on a new med. from my doctor called Max-alt and I haven't been stuck in bed since so don't give up you don't have to suffer with migraines there are lots of med out there that can help.
I'd say a headache is when you have that nagging consistent throb that hurts, but is bearable, you can, for the most part, still continue with your day. Where a mmigraine is enough to take you out, when you can't stand light, noise, even standing up, or when it hurts so bad it makes you physically sick.
There are many different types of headaches and migraines are a TYPE of headache. It is caused by constriction of the blood vessels in the brain and has certain symptoms such as aura, visual disturbances, nausea, sensitivity to light, etc..
Here are some websites about migraines.