There has been a huge misunderstanding in my last question..
When I say "What comes to your mind when you hear ..." then plz state the very first think that comes to your mind when you hear it. Easy. Don't go and read other comments, or don't go online etc.. Just state the very first thing that comes to your mind w khalas. You can edit it later after writing down your very first thing that came to your mind. ok??
Lol, sorry for maybe sounding angry, but I am not angry, just a little bit frustrated coz nobody who answered after I commented on Roji's post answered the question because they all searched on google or facebook beofe posting what comes to their mind when hearing the word.
Anyways whatever, I'm just clarifying a point, lol.
Plz translate this to Bermudan.
Update:@ Roji: la2, enti ma3ameltesh moshkela wala 7aga, LOOL, it's only the people who answered after I commented on your answer who didn't follow instructions.
The cause of it was my comment by saying she is not a woman, lol. Your answer kanet zayy el foll.
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ok .. i know what you mean ..and to be honest i didn't answer you unless i yahooed it and saw who was she ... but
i only did so because i didn't know her ..and to be honest again i tried to say what was in mind when i first read her name ...but it was nothing which is regular b/c i don't know her yet to make some thing come in my mind
next time i my answer will be nothing
a million) The ambitious one:====popeye 2) The crafty one:========EP 3) the nice and snug one:====c7oco little question 4) The clever one:=gentle 5) The misunderstood one:=====meero 6) The shy one:===pastime 7) The articulate one: ===wolf 8) the difficult one:=====wolf 9) The overbearing one:? 10) The cute one:==mayar 11) The All Egyptian one:? 12) The diplomatic one: you 13) the stressful one: no one 14) The sarcastic one:passant 15) The outspoken one:you sixteen) The blunt one:EP 17) The trustworthy one:BR 18) The boastful one:? 19) The abnoxious one:? 20) The ambiguous one:?
Ana seme3t el kalam 3ashan enta akedt 3aleha kaza marrah.
w 3ala fekra ana ma3andeesh facebook account.
it sounds like i made a big problem yesterday..:)
ok,first of all,i answered saying" isn't she the one who insults Allah and the prophet...etc"..(the first thing that came to my mind)
then when i found that she's unknown to the others,i told them to search on FB about her name..blab blab..
i was just trying to help,that's all..!
anyways,i' m sorry if my answer caused such a misunderstanding..
yeah its funner when you say the first thing off the top of your head. ana aslan lesa mashoftesh el so2al el tany dah, haroo7 ashofo :D
but i had to because i dint know who she was
i dont know most arab celebs names only they way they look
okay foll mashy!!
ok ...ur question,,,,ur rules :)