What gives the EPA the right to issue boundary changes to Wyoming and to make native tribes into "states"? How is this environmental? Isn't this Obama "using his pen" through proxies?
Update:Ironically, looking over a set of information about Riverton, Wyoming and the tribes involved, the EPA is acting to give the land to the tribe, not for the short term gain of grants for air monitoring, but for fracking. Time will tell.
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There's more than one source for this info. Let alone the idea that a tribe may regulate air quality within 50 miles of it's boundaries.
When a regulatory agency thinks it can act independent of courts and legislature? It is time to burn down and disband that agency.
Just how far the EPA will go to "enforce" it's decision?. Let's see it enforce,it against the will of Wyoming's people.
Sorry, but reservations still technically belong to the US Government, all the EPA might be doing is who is control of that land, the State or that Indian tribe. Indian tribes have their own rules and laws.
cns got that from the goverment saying they recgonize the tribe uhmmmmm ok then the article is junk
The problem is you're reading fake news from a fake newspaper.
It did no such thing.