I'm home-schooled so there's no PE for me to do and I'm not involved in a fitness program, except for the rare occasions I'm able to go to the gym. and now I'm not allowed take walks or jogs by myself because there's been a carjacking and people getting attacked and stolen from in my neighborhood a couple times. So I don't know what to do to get varied exercise routines in the small space that I have, I'd like to lose weight as well since I'm not in the "healthy zone" for my age and height. I'd like to have a diet plan, nothing extreme like the just cereal and water diet( which isn't healthy to do anyway). Any advice? and how much would weight lifting help? also I'm a female I don't know if that makes any difference..
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Run around the house, push ups, press-ups (just go to youtube and search for weight loss exercises)
Just cut down saturated fats; butter, crisps, chocolate etc..
odds are you re eating too fast try holding a conversation while having a meal so you re not gulping down more than you need to feel full
brush your teeth after every meal especially dinner
give your dog a bath instead of paying someone else to do it
cut down your own christmas tree