May 2021 3 216 Report
Fetal Echogenic stomach/bowel seen on ultrasounds?

Hey everyone- I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow. Here is the background to my question:

Aug. 21: I had my 18 week scan. Everything was normal except for the stomach- the u/s report recommended "revisualization of the baby's stomach is recommended".

Oct. 23 second u/s: this time, the report came back reading "mildly prominent stomach...follow up with level 2 u/s is recommended."

My level 2 u/s is tomorrow. Well, last night, I had a routine check-up with my doc and he used the term "echogenic" findings in the stomach. In doing some research, it seems as though this may be linked to cystic fibrosis or downs. I didn't have the triple screen test done (i'm 29, healthly and DH and I don't have a family history - that we know of- of either of these diseases)- although the test results wouldn't have changed anything (I would keep the baby no matter what!), I still feel an incredible amount of guilt should something be wrong with my little girl.

Have any of you mommy's been told your baby has an echogenic bowel or echogenic stomach and your baby turned out healthy? What are the chances this could be downs or cystic fibrosis?

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