can someone give me the complete list of flying pokemon inpokemon silver besides sparrow, pidgey and zubat
Charizard Fire/Flying
Buterfree Bug/Flying
Pidgeoto Normal/Flying
Pidgeot Normal/Flying
Fearow Normal/Flying
Golbat Poison/Flying
Farfetch'd Normal/Flying
Doduo Normal/Flying
Dodrio Normal/Flying
Scyther Bug/Flying
Gyarados Water/Flying
Aerodactyl Rock/Flying
Articuno Ice/Flying
Zapdos Electric/Flying
Moltres Fire/Flying
Dragonite Dragon/Flying
Hoothoot Normal/Flying
Noctowl Normal/Flying
Ledyba Bug/Flying
Ledian Bug/Flying
Togetic Normal/Flying
Natu Psychic/Flying
Xatu Psychic/Flying
Hoppip Grass/Flying
Skiploom Grass/Flying
Jumpluff Grass/Flying
Yanma Bug/Flying
Murkrow Dark/Flying
Gligar Ground/Flying
Delibird Ice/Flying
Mantine Water/Flying
Lugia Psychic/Flying
Ho-oh Fire/Flying
I know well that some pokemon like Zapdos, Moltres or Articuno or Charizard can't be obtained btw.
Also some pokemon like Gyarados or Scyther can't learn Fly
Hope that helps :)
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Flying pokemon in pokemon silver?
Pidgeot is your best bet from early on in the game. Skarmory if you wait more. And obviously as you already know, the legendary birds. also noctowl might be ok for awhile, at least until you get one of the legendary pokemon. that should have some flying pokemon
pidgey,pidgeotto, pidgeot,spearow, fearow, farfetch'd, butterfree, charizard, zubat, golbat, crobat, aerodactyl, articuno, zapdos, moltres, dragonair, hoothoot, noctowl, ledyba, ledian, togetic, natu, xatu, hoppip, skiploom, jumpluff, murkrow, gligar, ho-oh, lugia, gyarados, yanma, scyther, delibird,mantine, skarmory, doduo, dodrio,
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Charizard Fire/Flying
Buterfree Bug/Flying
Pidgeoto Normal/Flying
Pidgeot Normal/Flying
Fearow Normal/Flying
Golbat Poison/Flying
Farfetch'd Normal/Flying
Doduo Normal/Flying
Dodrio Normal/Flying
Scyther Bug/Flying
Gyarados Water/Flying
Aerodactyl Rock/Flying
Articuno Ice/Flying
Zapdos Electric/Flying
Moltres Fire/Flying
Dragonite Dragon/Flying
Hoothoot Normal/Flying
Noctowl Normal/Flying
Ledyba Bug/Flying
Ledian Bug/Flying
Togetic Normal/Flying
Natu Psychic/Flying
Xatu Psychic/Flying
Hoppip Grass/Flying
Skiploom Grass/Flying
Jumpluff Grass/Flying
Yanma Bug/Flying
Murkrow Dark/Flying
Gligar Ground/Flying
Delibird Ice/Flying
Mantine Water/Flying
Lugia Psychic/Flying
Ho-oh Fire/Flying
I know well that some pokemon like Zapdos, Moltres or Articuno or Charizard can't be obtained btw.
Also some pokemon like Gyarados or Scyther can't learn Fly
Hope that helps :)
This Site Might Help You.
Flying pokemon in pokemon silver?
can someone give me the complete list of flying pokemon inpokemon silver besides sparrow, pidgey and zubat
Pidgeot is your best bet from early on in the game. Skarmory if you wait more. And obviously as you already know, the legendary birds. also noctowl might be ok for awhile, at least until you get one of the legendary pokemon. that should have some flying pokemon
pidgey,pidgeotto, pidgeot,spearow, fearow, farfetch'd, butterfree, charizard, zubat, golbat, crobat, aerodactyl, articuno, zapdos, moltres, dragonair, hoothoot, noctowl, ledyba, ledian, togetic, natu, xatu, hoppip, skiploom, jumpluff, murkrow, gligar, ho-oh, lugia, gyarados, yanma, scyther, delibird,mantine, skarmory, doduo, dodrio,