A few days ago I got dirt and some dust in my eyes from removing a window AC, and someone keeps telling me I'm going to rabies and a brain infection due to that. Is that true?
Of course not. Your friend is a crack head. It's a common lie among the crack community.
I wouldn't worry about it, it sounds like they are just winding you up.
The eyes would flush out any dust of dirt that enters the eyes and you haven't said that you have any eye problems.
Raties needs to enter the blood stream through a wound or injury, it would come more from an animal or perhaps from fleas.
I wouldn't worry about it.
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Of course not. Your friend is a crack head. It's a common lie among the crack community.
I wouldn't worry about it, it sounds like they are just winding you up.
The eyes would flush out any dust of dirt that enters the eyes and you haven't said that you have any eye problems.
Raties needs to enter the blood stream through a wound or injury, it would come more from an animal or perhaps from fleas.
I wouldn't worry about it.