Well, once, a strong wind whipped one of the new, and therefore shorter, strands up under the bottom of my glasses and it poked me sharply in the eye. It hurt, but not as bad as a finger poke to the eye.
Otherwise, if it manages to get behind my glasses at all, I can see just fine but the hair is sort of tickley and annoying.
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yup. because your hair pokes your eyes...
It doesn't affect your actual eyesight like, medically or physically, but I wouldn't drive with your hair over your eyes or anything.
Well, once, a strong wind whipped one of the new, and therefore shorter, strands up under the bottom of my glasses and it poked me sharply in the eye. It hurt, but not as bad as a finger poke to the eye.
Otherwise, if it manages to get behind my glasses at all, I can see just fine but the hair is sort of tickley and annoying.
yeah u cant drive with long hair bangs for example
i don't think so