I am experiencing terrible migraine pain. My left eye is very blurry and i can't see clear out of it at all. Then right side of my head, near my temple has a lot of pain.. I almost feel as if the right side of my head has a heartbeat and my neck is getting really stiff. Is this just migraine symptoms or do you think it's something else.
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Everything except the neck stiffness sounds like migraine. Neck stiffness is a primary sign of meningitis. I recommend you see a doctor or go to the ER. It may be migraine related, since they frequently come with odd symptoms, but better safe than sorry. Below is a link to a list of meningitis symptoms, if you would like to check.
I'm sorry you feel so terrible. Ask the doctor for Fiorinal. It works very well for me.
you can correct the cause, which is nerve interference, or cover-up the symptoms (maybe) with drugs, or do nothing. if you decide to correct the cause, see an hio method upper cervical specific chiropractor.