I have been getting these pains on the right side of my head. It feels as if someone is punching me with all there strength. The other day it started getting worse and hurting my right ear. Bright lights and loud noices effect it to. What do I have? What can I do to stop it?
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Verified answer
Yeah sounds like a migraine if you see flash of dots then it is it. The pain first goes to the occipital lope that's why you see dots then it spreads to the neo cortex from the inflammation of the vesicles. There's no cure only things that will reduce the pain. Ibuprofen, vidcadin, tylonal, aspirin.... Etc
That I believe is a migraine. There could be several causes to it, I know mine was that I need glasses (contacts). Probably not your problem, but anyways you can take Excedrin Extra Strength. It works better than Excedrin Migraine in my opinion. Hope it helps, I feel for you...