It really does depend on the area of the country you live in. I live in NOWHERE, and dogs are real cheap here. However, a dog that my friend's bought here for 300, they were able to sell the puppies for 750 in California. I would check your newspaper archieves and see if you can find out how much they usually sell for in your area. It also depends on if they have papers or not to some people as to how much they will pay.
They are too young to be sold. You must wait until they are at least 8 weeks old to keep their mental and emotional health in good shape.
As others have said, it depends on a lot of factors. If they have papers and shots, you can ask more than if they don’t. There were recently some doxie pups in my local paper for $150. They were such a low price because they had no papers. Also, are these pets or show dogs? My doxie is not show quality, and therefore cost me only $375. I was only interested in a pet, so I didn’t care if she had a kink in her tail or if her ears were slightly too far back. I loved her personality, so I chose her. But if you have show quality physically “perfect” pups, you can ask a lot more, even $1000+. Chances are, you don’t. Most dogs don’t just “turn out” perfect, but get that way through extremely careful breeding.
Long story short, a doxie pup can usually sell for $300-500, but also more or less depending on several factors.
Again though, I urge you to wait a few more weeks. They really need to be with their mother just a little bit longer.
Every breeder, pet store, or any person trying to sell dogs/puppies will have their own different prices. If you go to a breeder they might charge 800-1200$. About the same for pet stores. Do some research. Visit some dog sites you can find on Google, and that should help you out with your prices. Good Luck!!
you have to figure all that in...whats the bloodline like? my girl got a daschund and paid approx 700 for it with everything from a breeder.. with out al that id say 300
you could go from 300-1000 all depends on what they have
Are they registered? Been dewormed and had their first shots? I get $250 to $400 for mine, CKC registered, first shots and dewormed, socialized .. depending upon color and sex.
Not registered - you might ask $150. Are they full blooded?
well it all depends on what they were breed to do if they were breed to hunt then they are gong to be worth a hole ;lot of money, and if they are breed to be just house dogs and they are lazy then you are not going to get much money off of them so you are better off selling them if they are breed for hunting cause alto of people use them foe r that
Answers & Comments
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It really does depend on the area of the country you live in. I live in NOWHERE, and dogs are real cheap here. However, a dog that my friend's bought here for 300, they were able to sell the puppies for 750 in California. I would check your newspaper archieves and see if you can find out how much they usually sell for in your area. It also depends on if they have papers or not to some people as to how much they will pay.
They are too young to be sold. You must wait until they are at least 8 weeks old to keep their mental and emotional health in good shape.
As others have said, it depends on a lot of factors. If they have papers and shots, you can ask more than if they don’t. There were recently some doxie pups in my local paper for $150. They were such a low price because they had no papers. Also, are these pets or show dogs? My doxie is not show quality, and therefore cost me only $375. I was only interested in a pet, so I didn’t care if she had a kink in her tail or if her ears were slightly too far back. I loved her personality, so I chose her. But if you have show quality physically “perfect” pups, you can ask a lot more, even $1000+. Chances are, you don’t. Most dogs don’t just “turn out” perfect, but get that way through extremely careful breeding.
Long story short, a doxie pup can usually sell for $300-500, but also more or less depending on several factors.
Again though, I urge you to wait a few more weeks. They really need to be with their mother just a little bit longer.
Every breeder, pet store, or any person trying to sell dogs/puppies will have their own different prices. If you go to a breeder they might charge 800-1200$. About the same for pet stores. Do some research. Visit some dog sites you can find on Google, and that should help you out with your prices. Good Luck!!
are they wormed? first shots? papers?
you have to figure all that in...whats the bloodline like? my girl got a daschund and paid approx 700 for it with everything from a breeder.. with out al that id say 300
you could go from 300-1000 all depends on what they have
well first of all if they have papers you can sell them for as much as 500$ but if not they see if people would pay no less then 300$
good luck to you !!!
I've seen them from 125 to 250. Do you have a female? I'm look ing for females to breed.
I'm not sure on a dollar amount but I know somethings you can't put a price on and friendship from a pet is one of them
if there pure and got papers i would say around 500 but if there not then about 250
Are they registered? Been dewormed and had their first shots? I get $250 to $400 for mine, CKC registered, first shots and dewormed, socialized .. depending upon color and sex.
Not registered - you might ask $150. Are they full blooded?
well it all depends on what they were breed to do if they were breed to hunt then they are gong to be worth a hole ;lot of money, and if they are breed to be just house dogs and they are lazy then you are not going to get much money off of them so you are better off selling them if they are breed for hunting cause alto of people use them foe r that