At this moment, I'm completely drunk...
DON'T bother asking how I can type drunk? Cuz I don't have an answer, but whenever I get drunk I get wicked hungry! I can't say I really know why, but I was wondering if anyone else does? Why does this happen?
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Getting hungry when you are drunk has to do with your liver and sugar levels in your blood. As you liver is being worked over time to filter out the alcohol in your blood stream it cannot maintain correct sugars in your blood.
As it stops producing enzymes that balance out the bloodstream, as your sugar levels drop and become skewed, you experience a feeling of hunger, much like diabetics feel when their blood sugars drop.
And due to lowered judgment that quarter pound hot dog with chili, cheese, jalapenos, and onions sound like a great idea at the time.
I think a lot of people get hungry when they're drunk. I'm not sure it's truly hunger, like your body needs food, but eating seems like a great idea. Eating while you're drunk from a health stand point is one of the worst things to do though. Usually you eat shitty food late at night like pizza or cheeseburgers and it's an extra meal that your body doesn't need which is on top of all of the beer/drink calories you already took in. But I agree with you, there is nothing better than eating a pizza when you're wasted.
I do that too!!
Every time i get drunk i always get hungry..
I don't know why this happens but it's not a problem for me so i never really care..
I don't throw up or anything.. but if your throwing up when your eating then it's a problem..
Ha Ha Ha, sorry cant help but laugh.... the DRUNKEN MUNCHIES rock. happens to everyone. basically its the bodies wy of tryin to help u sober up. food soaks up the alcohol, the grease in it puts a protective layer on ur stomach lining and throat so if u puke the acids dont burn so bad, and basically it slows u down a lil bit and then u normally fall out.
nothin to worry about, completey normal.
im drunk to and i eat all the time when im messed up in fact i just got dun eatin a big fat juicy steak but dont no y it happens
how do u know when u r drunk
yumm! it is not a good idea to eat now will only throw up.start drinking water,and juice....when you wake up if you are ok ,go out and have something to eat....