im in love with the greatest guy in the world...... i havent cut in a while and im fgeeling a hell of alot stronger than what i was b4 i met him is anyone happy for me?
oh boy, you shure can make me blush. :"> "the greatest guy in the world", shucks, :"> i don't know what to say. :">
i'll be happy for you if you'll be happy for me! cause after all, we are BF&GF! :P :">
for those of you worried, no, i dont wanna leave her, cause i wanna marry her! :"> it would be known as "co-dependant" for those of you that wanna classify us, or in english, we cant stop thinking about eachother. :">
Very happy for you although I believe a man shouldn't determine a woman's total happiness. Being in love and having someone in your life should add to the happiness you already created for yourself. Not to put a downer on your good feelings. It is a step in the right direction and I hope it keeps up! I just feel it is a person's own responsibility to find their strength and joy and shouldn't have to turn to someone else for it. What happens if that person leaves our lives?
Yay! I'm so glad to hear you've met someone great that can bring you a smile! and congrats on not cutting! I hope it goes well between you two, and i hope you stay this strong!
may you'll get stronger each day not only today. wishing you the best and don't cut yourself anymore, ever. love yourself and take care of your guy. i'm happy for you, my dear. enjoy life.
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oh boy, you shure can make me blush. :"> "the greatest guy in the world", shucks, :"> i don't know what to say. :">
i'll be happy for you if you'll be happy for me! cause after all, we are BF&GF! :P :">
for those of you worried, no, i dont wanna leave her, cause i wanna marry her! :"> it would be known as "co-dependant" for those of you that wanna classify us, or in english, we cant stop thinking about eachother. :">
Very happy for you although I believe a man shouldn't determine a woman's total happiness. Being in love and having someone in your life should add to the happiness you already created for yourself. Not to put a downer on your good feelings. It is a step in the right direction and I hope it keeps up! I just feel it is a person's own responsibility to find their strength and joy and shouldn't have to turn to someone else for it. What happens if that person leaves our lives?
Some food for thought.
Yay! I'm so glad to hear you've met someone great that can bring you a smile! and congrats on not cutting! I hope it goes well between you two, and i hope you stay this strong!
Keep it up!
may you'll get stronger each day not only today. wishing you the best and don't cut yourself anymore, ever. love yourself and take care of your guy. i'm happy for you, my dear. enjoy life.
Good luck. I hope it works out. Just beware of relying on another person for your happiness.
Yes, I am , i am your best friend. Keep Smiling Friend.
I'm Happy for You!! :)
: ) Good... hope it works out