please help me:( i had braces fitted today and im in absaloute agony and i have my english gcse tomorrow 1st period and i really don't want to be distracted by any pain, any ideas? thankyou all so so so much, best answer will be chosen
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Take advil every 4 hours, and napirson every 12 hours. If the braces are rubbing on your gums, rub kanker sore medicine on the inside of your lips
Speak with the Orthodontist that did it, before he closes today... explain to him the amount of pain and ask for suggestions... he may even readmit you quick to adjust it. Explain the situation like you did here.
I just had braces put on today and it does hurt. The best thing to do is take advil and eat soft foods.
Take some pain medicine. Because they were tightened, it maybe a little uncomfortable. The pain won't be as bad tomorrow!(:
did you try wax? also, ibuprofen and Tylenol may help. if the braces are rubbing against your gums, try that stuff for kanker sores that you rub on the inside of your mouth.
hope that helped.
Yea it is so much pain im thinking about gettn some
There not a lot you can do but take pain relief.