I even went through a period this summer where I wanted to know what it was like to be a boy. I don't have GID or anything, and I'm perfectly content being a girl, but it would be interesting, don't you think?
Unfortunately, I believe that we are all dreamers at heart and it is the images and fantasies those dreams bring to us that make us want to be somewhere else in another time, place and perhaps someone else. I strongly believe that your so called "obsession" is not only very realistic to you but is something that weighs on your heart like a heavy burden Perhaps you should start with a little self evaluation then move onto the gifted traits you seem to covet with your obsession. First and perhaps most importantly don't "feed" into that gender identify thing. If you are a true dreamer (and God I hope you are), the gender of the person you wish to be like is not unusual or strange. You are simply identifying to specific personality strengths, talents, etc. that attract you to this person, regardless of the sex! I say, what the hell, just go with te flow and see what happens! Good luck Sweetie!
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I even went through a period this summer where I wanted to know what it was like to be a boy. I don't have GID or anything, and I'm perfectly content being a girl, but it would be interesting, don't you think?
Unfortunately, I believe that we are all dreamers at heart and it is the images and fantasies those dreams bring to us that make us want to be somewhere else in another time, place and perhaps someone else. I strongly believe that your so called "obsession" is not only very realistic to you but is something that weighs on your heart like a heavy burden Perhaps you should start with a little self evaluation then move onto the gifted traits you seem to covet with your obsession. First and perhaps most importantly don't "feed" into that gender identify thing. If you are a true dreamer (and God I hope you are), the gender of the person you wish to be like is not unusual or strange. You are simply identifying to specific personality strengths, talents, etc. that attract you to this person, regardless of the sex! I say, what the hell, just go with te flow and see what happens! Good luck Sweetie!