I am talking to a woman who got upset at me because i told her "i care about you, but i care about my children even more" she didnt seem to understand( she doesnt have children) i went on to tell her i would be less than a man if i put my childern before anyone and if she had children i would expect the same of her, she has also stated on several occasions" i want you to love me more than you love yourself" i told her this would never happen. is she just a selfish person who needs to be left alone or just doesnt get it.
Update:She asked a question that threw me off last night, she asked " if i was sick and one of your kids was sick, who would you go to first"? , i told her my kids come first, she basically ended the conversation
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She is very selfish. "I want you to love me more than you love yourself"? Puh-lease. You are perfectly fine for putting your children's happiness and well-being ahead of this bellybutton-gazer of a chick.
She has some problem... I mean seriously. How you can ever compare love that you feel for your children and love that you feel for a woman.
2 completely different kinds of love.
Don't know if she is selfish, but I guess she is not satisfied with fact that you have a children that come first. She should find another man for herself, without kids.
And yes you should move on. That woman is a trouble.
yeah she is SELfiSH ; imean come on how can she get mad at you for being a caring father, she should understand that your children come first always no matter what you know, I have a bf and he has a child and i dont have any at all but it doesn't bug me that he put his child before me like you do, I would be the same if I had one of my own. + she is already telling you that she wants you to love her more than yourself, you don't tell nobody how to love you; when someone falls inlove with you it happens naturally not by someone asking you to love them a certain way she seems like she just wants you all by herself and that doesn't include your children.. i know its not my place but I think you should find someone that would love you for you and your children and wont be bothered by the fact that you will put your children first before her .
She IS a selfish person who needs to be left alone AND she just doesn't get it.
This girl, no matter what her good qualities are, is not the woman for you. You have completely different values than that girl who has self esteem issues and insecurities. What she does not comprehend is that there is plenty of love to go around and it's not a competition.
She's simply the wrong woman for you. She doesn't get it.
You weren't thrown off. You chose your child to console over a supposedly functioning adult. That's.... normal.
Needy, Needy, Needy......... It's all about her. Best to steer well clear of that one.