My husband is supposed to graduate next week from Tech School at Lackland. Is there a certain day that Airman graduate like it was for BMT? He says hes graduating Thursday, but I thought graduation was on Wednesdays. Does anyone know?? Thanks so much!
Update:Hes finished with BMT, but is almost done with tech school.Hes actually allowed visitors but Im in school so wasnt abot to visit him :/ In BMT it took a few weeks before I got my first letter, but they REALLY appreciate the letters. My husband said he may not have made it without them! In tech, he has his cell phone and computer so we talk many times during the day. :)
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Visitors are not ONLY allowed on certain days. As long as your Airman is not in class or BMT he can sponsor you on any day he wants. ACTUALLY since you are a spouse and have an ID card you can go on base whenever you want, day or night, that doesn't mean you will see him though of course. There are RULES he has to follow.
Tech Graduation is VERY informal. I do not know any spouses that have went. It is not a grand ceremony or anything. So if you are not already in the San Antonio area I wouldn't bother with it.
Lackland Afb Schools
I know at my tech school graduation was on the last day of class. What ever day the last day of class fell on was the day we graduated. There was no set day. We took our last test and a few hours later we graduated. Graduation was very informal and in the classroom.
Edit: What Senyca is correct for BMT graduation, not tech school graduation.
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Tech school length depends on the actual job. A cook in the USAF may only have a 6-9 week course. Bio-medical technician have something close to 50 weeks. And that's only considering the course length. They may arrive and end up having to wait until a slot opens for a new class. That may be a few weeks or months depending on the backlog of students there are. Active duty personnel get less priority to start classes than National Guard or Reserve members since their individual units pay for them to be there. So they bump AD back.
They do not have graduation ceremonies for Tech School , like they do in basic.
You may only have 5 people in your Tech School Class.
In my Tech School, the only think different on the last day, was we wore our blues to school
And got our Certificate saying we graduated and spent a couple of hours just talking to our instructors.
Then we went back to the barracks, changed clothes, packed and left.
I got on a bus headed for tech school the day after I finished basic. Near the end of tech school I received orders to report to my first duty station. There was no time delay between any of those.
Hello! Actually I was just on their site because my husband leaves dec 1 to go to but visitors are only allowed there the last week of training which is the graduation week. The days you are allowed on base are thursday friday saturday and sunday of that is a link explaining the whole 4 days of graduation stuff :) ...
Please let me know if it does not work...Also i have a Quick Question...How often did you get to speak to your hubby? Im nervous mine is leaving and i dont know how often i can talk to him other then through letters...thank you!!!