i'm looking for moleskine notebooks in san diego, but the large ones. like the really big ones. i know barnes and noble and borders carry them, but they only carry relatively small and medium sizes. if you look on the moleskine website they have the huge ones. like 8-11 inches big. do you know what other stores might sell them?
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Try Yelp.com to find other bookstores, office/stationary stores. I'd especially try art stores, which tend to carry notebooks of all sizes.
You are going to have to buy it online. The only stores I know of that carry moleskine are Borders and B&N. I haven't seen them anywhere else, other than some that look similar.
Many prayers have gone up & God has heard the prayers. We now need to thank God for the people who are making a difference & for the safety of people who are stuck in this situation. I thank God that their needs are taken care of with more than enouph & plenty left over. That the insurance companies will pay the cost. That the government will pay whatever additional that is necessary to reconstruct, etc... But, I think we need to look into what we (US) could have done to prevent this in the first place. Maybe we weren't praying enouph ahead of time. The Lord told me not to pray about the fires, but to pray for the people & their safety & well being. Also, thank God that there hasn't been more than 2 deaths known so far. God is surely giving favor & protecting people through this very difficult time. What the enemy has meant to destroy lives, the Lord has prevented many deaths.