If you have any repair skills at all save yourself $150 bucks. Replace the gas with fresh gas, replace the oil with fresh oil, replace the spark plug with a new one. Check the plug wire for a spark. Clean the air filter or replace it. If there is a fuel filter, replace it.
It only takes two things to start any engine. Fire and gas. The spark plug provides the fire. the gas, well you know where that comes from.
It should start if there is a spark and there is fuel.
Probably the carb is gunked up with old stale fuel deposits or possibly corrosion from ethanol additives in fuel which attract moisture and can clog fuel passages in the carb...try draining the old gas, replace it with fresh...change spark plug and oil if needed. Add a product called Start Your Engines to the gas tank per label directions ...sold at part stores, small engine repair shops, online, etc.. which helps restore volatility to any old gas left in the fuel tank or bowl. Old stale gas gets varnishy and does not burn properly along with clogs up fuel passages.
Then try starting as usual...if the engine runs rough, dies or has poor power, you may need a repair shop to completely disassemble/clean the carb or replace it.
If it still starts hard or no start, you can try a couple methods to get it going if you have some repair skills and tools...remove the spark plug and pour a teaspoon of gas into the plug hole, reinstall plug and plug wire and try starting...make sure choke is closed...engine may start but still die shortly again...retry removing plug/pour gas/reinstall/start a few times until it will run on it's own. Another method is to open the choke...spray a little bit of carb cleaner (sold at parts stores) into the carb throat ...remove air filter if needed...close choke...and then try starting...repeat if needed to get engine running on it's own.
Another method I use on hard starting small engines is a propane torch...open up the torch gas valve about halfway and place the tip of the non-lit torch near the carb throat while trying to start..choke partially open...then try starting as usual...gaseous propane ignites easier than liquid fuels when drawn into the engine and may help getting it started until the engine vacuum will pull the liquid gas through dirty carb passages. Hold the torch tip near the carb throat with choke open and gradually pull it away as the engine runs on it's own from gasoline in the bowl....or pump the carburetor primer bulb (if so equipped) as needed to help force fuel into the engine until it runs on it's own.
Best to fully drain any old gas from the machine in the off season including the carb fuel bowl if possible and start with fresh every year...drain any leftover gas and run the engine until it dies before storing. Or add additives like Seafoam or Stabil to the gas before storing to keep it from going stale....best option is to drain old gas.
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Mower Wont Start
If you have any repair skills at all save yourself $150 bucks. Replace the gas with fresh gas, replace the oil with fresh oil, replace the spark plug with a new one. Check the plug wire for a spark. Clean the air filter or replace it. If there is a fuel filter, replace it.
It only takes two things to start any engine. Fire and gas. The spark plug provides the fire. the gas, well you know where that comes from.
It should start if there is a spark and there is fuel.
Probably the carb is gunked up with old stale fuel deposits or possibly corrosion from ethanol additives in fuel which attract moisture and can clog fuel passages in the carb...try draining the old gas, replace it with fresh...change spark plug and oil if needed. Add a product called Start Your Engines to the gas tank per label directions ...sold at part stores, small engine repair shops, online, etc.. which helps restore volatility to any old gas left in the fuel tank or bowl. Old stale gas gets varnishy and does not burn properly along with clogs up fuel passages.
Then try starting as usual...if the engine runs rough, dies or has poor power, you may need a repair shop to completely disassemble/clean the carb or replace it.
If it still starts hard or no start, you can try a couple methods to get it going if you have some repair skills and tools...remove the spark plug and pour a teaspoon of gas into the plug hole, reinstall plug and plug wire and try starting...make sure choke is closed...engine may start but still die shortly again...retry removing plug/pour gas/reinstall/start a few times until it will run on it's own. Another method is to open the choke...spray a little bit of carb cleaner (sold at parts stores) into the carb throat ...remove air filter if needed...close choke...and then try starting...repeat if needed to get engine running on it's own.
Another method I use on hard starting small engines is a propane torch...open up the torch gas valve about halfway and place the tip of the non-lit torch near the carb throat while trying to start..choke partially open...then try starting as usual...gaseous propane ignites easier than liquid fuels when drawn into the engine and may help getting it started until the engine vacuum will pull the liquid gas through dirty carb passages. Hold the torch tip near the carb throat with choke open and gradually pull it away as the engine runs on it's own from gasoline in the bowl....or pump the carburetor primer bulb (if so equipped) as needed to help force fuel into the engine until it runs on it's own.
Best to fully drain any old gas from the machine in the off season including the carb fuel bowl if possible and start with fresh every year...drain any leftover gas and run the engine until it dies before storing. Or add additives like Seafoam or Stabil to the gas before storing to keep it from going stale....best option is to drain old gas.
I would.