Im 21 yrs old and a few days ago I noticed a painless small lump on my penis. (Its underneth the skin right below the head). Anyways it freaked me out and I went to the clinic to get it checked out and the doctor said he couldnt feel anything suspicious or bad, and sent me home to keep an eye on it. I have had an appointment with a uroIogist for a while now and it is in about a month so if its still there I'll ask him about it. It moves around if I touch it, and is not stuck to one spot...could it be a cyst?? Could it get worse waiting that long though??, what could it be?? Could it be testicular cancer even though the lump is not on the testicle but near the head?? Is there such thing as penis cancer?? Im a worrier so im just pretty worried about it.
I asked this question yesterday but didnt get any responses, so im hoping for some today
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Here's a case similar to yours:
Urology/lump on shaft of penis under skin
Expert: Arthur Goldstein, M.D. - 4/20/2007
I can feel two. On the side, just under the head. I am circumsized.
One I can feel whenever and it's quite small and can kinda be moved around a little, the other bump/lump seems to only "come out" when I have an erection and when my erection starts to go down, it disappears. It feels like a small bb or something and isin't very movable, if at all!
Anyone know anything about this kinda problem. I've been to two different docs, who looked at the visible one and didn't seem to concerned about it but when I asked them about about the bump/lump that only comes out when I'm erect, they just sorta blew it off.
Didn't get any referrals to see a urologist, one gave me a referral to see a dermatologist, but I've yet to see him.
Anyways, any input, thoughts, or comments would be greatly appreciated!!
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Ryan, as you can understand, it is impossible to make an exact diagnosis over the internet without being able to do a physical examination. However, most of the lumps you notice are a specialized type of sweat gland present on the genitalia called sebaceous glands. Sometimes the duct that drains their secretion onto the skin becomes blocked causing their product to accumulate with resulting swelling of the gland. This usually presents as a round white bump. They are not harmful unless they become infected. The latter is unusual unless you try to squeeze them, and therefore, do not do this. Other common lumps on the penis can be from inclusion cysts and scarring from minor trauma (such as circumcison). The lump under the skin may also be either a sebaceous or inclusion cyst that was trapped under the skin by the circumcision. Almost all such lesions as you describe are harmless but if you want a more exact diagnosis, it is best to see a urologist (not a dermatologist). Good luck.
Lump On Penis
Hi just come across this as I have had something similar and was wondering what was your outcome. I am circumsised and also had hypospadias when I was born. I had a small lump under the head of my penis on the shaft, one day through intercourse I felt a click and thought nothing of it, the next day it was swollen and sore so I went to the hospital. Doctor said it was a cyst that had been burst basically and gotten infected just finishing my antibiotics now and all is well although I can still feel the lump which feels more central now but I have no pain. 9 times out of 10 these things are something and nothing, I worry a lot about things so this really got me going. I'm going back to the doctors on Wednesday for a check up. If I find anything different I will be sure to let you know as i know things like this can be quite alarming.
Increase Penis Size Naturally
Many men get all kinds of lumps and bumps on their penis; usually, they are fairly harmless and are things like pearly penile papules or Fordyce spots. A doctor can determine if there is anything about these lumps to cause concern. For maintaining penile skin health, shower regularly, use a condom appropriately, and apply a top notch penis health creme (health professional recommend Man1 Man Oil) regularly.
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Lump on Penis (underneth skin)?
Im 21 yrs old and a few days ago I noticed a painless small lump on my penis. (Its underneth the skin right below the head). Anyways it freaked me out and I went to the clinic to get it checked out and the doctor said he couldnt feel anything suspicious or bad, and sent me home to keep an eye on...
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Let's see. Testicular cancer? Happens in the testicles, not the penis. Trust me on this one, dude. Penile cancer? EXTREMELY rare. And most cases do not happen in the area you describe. Cyst (or similar skin problem)? Very common, and generally not a problem. Let's see, you went to the clinic and had it checked out? Good move. Doc said he couldn't see/feel anything worrisome? Your odds of it being minor or negligible just went up at least a thousand times! You have an appointment with a urologist? Fantastic! Your odds of a good outcome just went up another thousand times. Dude, you are doing all the right things, and only one wrong one: worrying about it!