Mid cycle bleeding and painful back ache?
Mid-cycle bleeding & painful lower back pain?
It is the FIRST time I am experiencing intense lower back pain and painful cramping (even worse than when I am about to get my periods), I am bleeding too. This has NEVER happened to me before. I had my last periods 14 days ago, so I don't think it can be implantation bleeding, although my partner and I do not use contraception. But doesn't implantation bleeding occur about a week after you ovulate?? So it wouldn't be the right timing for a pregnancy. My cycles are regular..
I am REALLY worried about the bleeding. What else than pregnancy could it be? Is there ANY chance it could be implantation bleeding (why would i have such back pain though)?
Thanks for your help...
Update:my nipples are hurting crazy and tummy bloated and Took pregnancy test it is negative
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If you were pregnant... could be a miscarriage.. I know they hurt a thousand times worse than your period cramps, and you just had your period, and bleeding? I don't know, could be.. maybe you should see a doctor.
Try wearing support wear such as body magic . Works wonders for the back. corrects overall posture and improves blood circulation as well as places the organ in their right place. Contact me to get it cheap.
It could possibly be pregnancy. I suggest you talk to your doctor, and if your embarrassed about it, ask him/her to keep it quiet. Anyways, I hope your alright, and maybe next time, make sure he wears a condom, or at least knows how to properly use the pullout technique