Hello...am 14 years old and next year I'll be in 9th grade and I am missing my school a lot...
About a month is left for the school and am feeling so bored...
I keef reading and reading...I read a 252 pages story in less than 4 days !...
what shall I do ?
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dude just chill out and enjoy ur summer bc once school starts you'll wish it was over with....
Enjoy your summer !
Hang out with friends and do things because you're really not going to be able to do much once high school starts, at least for me that is. I'm going to have a really heavy load so I probably wont get to hang out with my friends as much.
But don't just like blow off everything about school during the summer also. Continue reading and maybe look into what's going to be happening in high school so you get a little bit of an idea, thats what I am doing.
I'm kinda missing school but then again I don't want summer to end.
yea, i know how u feel. u will eventually get over it.u will hate hs. start school at 6 am. be thankful