Assalamu Alaikum
I have started a letter writing to brothers in prison. The e-mail will come to me and I will send them out. Then a brother will write you back and I will sent the letter to you, they will never have your address unless you give it to them, then you will have a name to write too. I've setup an e-mail address writeamuslimbrotherinprison if you are interested or tell a friend. I want a group of sisters that would like to write brothers in prison. This is new to me I just want to help brothers
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no thank you.
they are in prison for a reason.
I'm muslim, but how can my letters to prisoners help them?
This is really nice of you to do this. I know many of them need mail. You can also find support on
mualaaikum salam..
im not clear of what you are actually saying...but i know its regarding brothers in prison...clear things up on that msg...
No thanks, I would rather speak of Jesus Christ, he's going to be the one getting me through Heavens doors.And besides these prisoners need to hear about our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Only then will they be able to understand why they are punished.