when ever i turn on my computer my 160gb HDD boots in.... but this tyme my computer dint detect it....... it says disc error or sum tyms in bios the hard disc wont be shown wats the error in my computer with the HDD?????? please help me and tell me the ways to resolve it
Update:i also couldnt format it again
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If it's intermittant and it doesn't show in BIOS it is likely to be a physical connection problem. Just make sure the cables are connected properly. If you get it started again, run a spell check.
if it shows a disc error and your computer doesn't detect it, this is most probably a problem with your hard disk. It might as well be logically or may be physically.
here are 4 steps you might want to follow (with top as priority):
1. unseat
2. substitute
3. reformat
4. replace
usually its just a matter of plugging and unplugging in the hard disk. blow off those dust and see if it goes to breath again.
If the disk still fails to operate, you might want to do some fail safe approach. if you have a spare primary hard disk (with OS installed) try to use it first. If it works, then basically nothing is wrong with any other internals of the CPU but your previous hard disk else investigate on the other hardwares.
If you don't think that a virus may have cause it in any way, you might want to have ur hard disk replaced else its just a matter of reformatting the disk and having a fresh OS install.
I just hope you have a backup of your files which you should always do.
take note that reformatting the disk is always the last resort.
Reading the first bit lead me to think that you may have a disk problem, if you cannot format the drive it is likely that the Computer cannot build a file list, you can try a disk repair to get a new P+G list but the chances are that the disk is dead. Just get a new one and start again. It will be faster than the old one. I just hope that you have a back up stratergy
FAT32 is the approach homestead windows makes use of to save archives. you are able to convert your document device to NTFS it really is extra positive. seem in adventure Viewer to verify no matter if it really is recording an blunders. commence and then Settings and then administration Panel and double click on Administrative procedures and choose adventure Viewer. choose a section and fairly the device section and double click on any blunders to verify what it has to assert. there's a link to Microsoft for further assistance. at the same time as homestead windows boots up you have to be taken to a login demonstrate in case your account has a password. oftentimes the Administrator account could not be displayed. verify you (Paul) are an Administrator and also upload a password on your account.
Been there done that. You need to take the side of your computer off. Turn off the machine. Take the data wire off your hdd. Turn on your computer. Shut it off, plug in your hdd. Start it up.....should run beautifully.
Sounds broken. Try reformatting.
i think zhylax is right !
try to do it as he said here !