OK, it was like this...I was over due,.. like 42 weeks along....so they said......
I had sex on Aug 2nd 2008 and the baby was born June 14th 2009, witch is 45 weeks form the time intercourse to the date of the c section.
also 2 other dates on intercourse happened,
one on Sept 5 2008.....witch is 40 weeks ...witch is at term (from the time of intercourse)
and the other was Sept 23 2008 witch is 37 weeks, just under preterm (from the time of intercourse)
my question is , Do you think I conceived this child on the Aug date, as the dates in Sept do not make me overdue?
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so, you've had your baby and he's fine. stop worrying about when he was conceived, it's over.
You would have already been due for your period on Sept 5..so had you taken a pregnancy test between 08/02 and 09/05? If so, that is your answer.... If not, it would be hard for any of us to tell...why are you so worried this late in the game?
The doctors can never be 100% sure of how far along you are, it's all guesstimation.
Doctors don't go by conception date they go by last period.