Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars - which are called "terrestrial planets", because they're primarily composed of rock and metal. Then Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune - which are called "gas giants", because they're primarily composed of hydrogen and helium.
Pluto was recently down-graded to a 'dwarf planet'. There are four other celestial bodies that have recently also been classified as 'dwarf-planets'; Ceres, Eris, Makemake, and Haumea.
So it depends on what definition of 'planet' you're going for.
The photograph voltaic equipment. Our photograph voltaic equipment is the only photograph voltaic equipment interior the finished universe. only our photograph voltaic equipment has the determine celebrity named Sol (the sunlight). something is a planetary equipment, or a celebrity equipment could desire to it have not got any common planets. Any specific planetary equipment is named based upon its determine celebrity, such because of the fact the Epsilon Eridani equipment. i assume you're able to be able to desire to call our planetary equipment "The Sol equipment" to be consistent with naming of different planetary structures. in spite of the undeniable fact that, we decide to make Sol an adjective by making use of the observe "photograph voltaic". i assume you additionally can communicate of here names for different planetary structures (to make the determine celebrity call an adjective): Epsilon Eridaniel equipment fifty 5 Cancrial equipment Gliesean 581 equipment GQ Lupin equipment in spite of the undeniable fact that, it's going to make it perplexing, considering the fact that there are no longer any common planets approximately any celebrity with an hassle-free call like Sirius or Arcturus...all approximately greater complicated named stars, such that that's suitable to no longer make the noun an adjective.
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In order from distance from the Sun:
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars - which are called "terrestrial planets", because they're primarily composed of rock and metal. Then Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune - which are called "gas giants", because they're primarily composed of hydrogen and helium.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and a nice way to remember it. :)
Traditionally, the nine planets were:
Pluto was recently down-graded to a 'dwarf planet'. There are four other celestial bodies that have recently also been classified as 'dwarf-planets'; Ceres, Eris, Makemake, and Haumea.
So it depends on what definition of 'planet' you're going for.
mercury, venus, earth, mars, Jupiter, Saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto ( i think pluto has been along for the ride, and should be considered a planet)
mercury mars venus jupiter uranus neptune (pluto=no) earth saturn
The photograph voltaic equipment. Our photograph voltaic equipment is the only photograph voltaic equipment interior the finished universe. only our photograph voltaic equipment has the determine celebrity named Sol (the sunlight). something is a planetary equipment, or a celebrity equipment could desire to it have not got any common planets. Any specific planetary equipment is named based upon its determine celebrity, such because of the fact the Epsilon Eridani equipment. i assume you're able to be able to desire to call our planetary equipment "The Sol equipment" to be consistent with naming of different planetary structures. in spite of the undeniable fact that, we decide to make Sol an adjective by making use of the observe "photograph voltaic". i assume you additionally can communicate of here names for different planetary structures (to make the determine celebrity call an adjective): Epsilon Eridaniel equipment fifty 5 Cancrial equipment Gliesean 581 equipment GQ Lupin equipment in spite of the undeniable fact that, it's going to make it perplexing, considering the fact that there are no longer any common planets approximately any celebrity with an hassle-free call like Sirius or Arcturus...all approximately greater complicated named stars, such that that's suitable to no longer make the noun an adjective.
mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune. NOT PLUTO
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune,Uranus
heh heh heh. uranus. heh heh
Ceres (dwarf planet)
Pluto (dwarf planet)
Eris (dwarf planet)