I was wondering if anyone out there had a solid 2 player strategy for this map. My brother and i can usually always make it to round 30 or so. Our highest was 36. When we achieved that round we had dogs on round 32, and we went 4 rounds without seeing any max ammo and we were linking. Should we have had at least one gun off the wall so we could buy ammo for it? One of us usually has the waffle/ray gun combo and the other has the ray gun/HMG combo. Even with the best guns if you don't get max ammo's you can't really survive, as I'm sure everyone knows. So does anyone have a strategy that will make it so we don't have to rely on the fences/links so much.
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For 2 players, just that walkway. Use monkey bombs and the barrier. one person on the window at the top (keep one zombie alive at that window so you can use the box etc and prepare for the next round, with one person constantly repairing that window to keep it out) and also killing some that run through the bottom (the barrier will help), then the second at the top of the stairs killing them as they come up. If there's too many or you run out of ammo, monkey bomb, teleport then buy a weapon stick near a teleporter and keep doing that.
I would have an upgraded STG-44 and would stay in the teleporters until it is absolutely imperative.
did you know you can get three, punched up guns at the same time???