I m 18, I weigh about 120. Last night I went into my kitchen to make myself food, and all of a sudden I couldn t see anything, then my hearing was gone, I could barley breath and my heart felt like it was going a mile a minute. Apparently I fell on the ground to find my mom freaking out trying to get me up. She managed to get me up and I was hyperventilating and she soon calmed my breathing down. Today I wake up and the veins in my neck are very sore on my left side and a little swollen. Not sure if this is normal or what, it really hurts, should I be concerned?
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Answers & Comments
Please have your mother call the doctor NOW, and get you in to be seen.
These are serious symptoms that need to be assessed.
No, it's far from normal, though it may become normal if the obesity pandemic isn't addressed by government (FDA, USDA).
It sounds like you had a damn-near stroke.
This prospect is quite frightening, so yes, I should say that you should be worried and calling your doctor yesterday.
Even if you lucked out genetically and you are not obese, your insides are going through hell, and a blood clot is A result.
The fancy thing about blood clots is that if treatment is not started right away, there WILL be more to follow.
Maybe next time the clot will stop ALL blood flow through your carotid, instead of just some.