My nintendo wii wont let me play games. When i put a game in it either reads "unable to read disc" on the disc channel, or sometimes it gets to the actual game then shuts off and reads the same thing. ive gone to the operations manual and troubleshit it by cleaning the disc, etc. Whats wrong with it?? can i fix it? how? should i just bring it to gamestop or something?
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If you know for a fact it is not your desc it proably is the laser inside the wii. It gives over time espically if you play COD for some reason. What you should do is find someone that knows how to fix it, try craigslist under gameing and type repair, if you can't find anything try calling gamestop and see if they suggest anyone.
There is also laser lens kits to try and fix it yourself. It shouldn't be that hard since it's a pretty easy repair BUT I would suggest getting someone that is famaliar with the system so you don't mess it up more. At least than a pro knows what they are doing. It's also pretty cheap to hire one to fix it (50 tops) so won't burn you dry.
Send it to be fixed or check if your disc are scratched