Yesterday, I was showing my mom my husky. She decided to call him and get him to sit. Today I cannot get his attention by calling him. I have tried all of the tricks he knows. Will he be able to learn my voice again or will I have to start the game over?
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Here is my suggestion:
Your voice may sound different from your mum's voice for your Nintendog. There is absolutely no need at all to restart your Nintendogs Dachshund and Friends Nintendo DS game, at all, whatsoever!. Spend some more time with him, love him, pet him, teach him new tricks, buy and feed him doggie treats, whenever he does something good and not bad. Take him on plenty of walks. If you still cannot get him to listen to you, call his name repeatedly until he finally listens and comes running towards you. If you still cannot get him to do that, or, to do his tricks when you call him to, you might need to re-teach him the tricks again, but, I don't think it will get as far as that, of course! I hope you will manage to sort this problem out of our Nintendogs and get back to playing the game ok! I was going to put this answer on yesterday, but I didn't have my charger in my laptop, and it all went off! Boo who! :'( And, of course, once again, I hope you will be able to sort this problem out and geting back to playing the game ok! I will pray for you tonight that it will work! I'm a HUGE fan of Nintendogs. Trust me. One of my goals in Nintendogs is to collect every single versions in the whole world. Trust me. So far, I've only got Nintendogs Lab and Friends, and, Nintendogs Dachshund and Friends! I'm planning of getting Dalmatian and Friends next, then Chihuahua, then best friends, and then Shiba and Friends. (It has now been changed into Lab and Friends, and, also, of course, Shiba and Friends is a Japanese version. I'm english!) Good luck!
No all you do is take care of stupid pets buy a 360 and get some games for it not all games are compatitive and there much better.