It was to appease the Arab states like Saudi Arabia which were part of our coalition against Iraq. I felt it was a mistake at the time as we should have finished the job against Hussein, but you also cannot fault the President for honoring commitments to our allies of the time.
Their were a miriade of political reasons why we could not take Bagdad at that time. Look at what is happening right now. This is exactly what Bush 1 saught to avoid. The mission in Desert Storm was to get Iraq out of Quate. This was done. To have expanded the mission to sacking Bagdad woudl have cost more American lives then the American public was willing to accept. Desert Storm was a sucess and was popular because it cost only 124 lives. If we had taken Bagdad we woudl have suffered as much in lives as we are now. Today we have more resolve for the tough fight because of 9/11. Their was not that kind of resolve during Desert Storm. Historically, I agree with you, we should have taken Bagdad and deposed Saddam. Politically, the calculation that the Iraqi people woudl do this after Saddam was defeated in southern Iraq was more acceptable than the risk to both men and money that taking Saddam out woudl have been.
Because he thought he had him back under control he was after a the one who put Saddam in power while he was director of the C.I.A. ( laugh , chuckle I still find that oxymoron funny )JR is trying to continue in his fathers footsteps they are working on taking the entire middle eastern oil production into their sphere of influence then they have the power to do whatever they want want to see what they plan for America ? they have 600 to 800 F.E.M.A. "facilities" ready and waiting to receive " dissidents " this is one of them they will be able to handle millions at a time !
it was all political gain. We all suffered from him stopping so know the son thinks he can do it.I was there with General Schwarzkopf and we all wanted to keep going and get him.
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It was to appease the Arab states like Saudi Arabia which were part of our coalition against Iraq. I felt it was a mistake at the time as we should have finished the job against Hussein, but you also cannot fault the President for honoring commitments to our allies of the time.
Their were a miriade of political reasons why we could not take Bagdad at that time. Look at what is happening right now. This is exactly what Bush 1 saught to avoid. The mission in Desert Storm was to get Iraq out of Quate. This was done. To have expanded the mission to sacking Bagdad woudl have cost more American lives then the American public was willing to accept. Desert Storm was a sucess and was popular because it cost only 124 lives. If we had taken Bagdad we woudl have suffered as much in lives as we are now. Today we have more resolve for the tough fight because of 9/11. Their was not that kind of resolve during Desert Storm. Historically, I agree with you, we should have taken Bagdad and deposed Saddam. Politically, the calculation that the Iraqi people woudl do this after Saddam was defeated in southern Iraq was more acceptable than the risk to both men and money that taking Saddam out woudl have been.
Because he thought he had him back under control he was after a the one who put Saddam in power while he was director of the C.I.A. ( laugh , chuckle I still find that oxymoron funny )JR is trying to continue in his fathers footsteps they are working on taking the entire middle eastern oil production into their sphere of influence then they have the power to do whatever they want want to see what they plan for America ? they have 600 to 800 F.E.M.A. "facilities" ready and waiting to receive " dissidents " this is one of them they will be able to handle millions at a time !
it was all political gain. We all suffered from him stopping so know the son thinks he can do it.I was there with General Schwarzkopf and we all wanted to keep going and get him.
I'd like to know that myself.
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