I was looking through my moms purse for a piece of gum when I saw a folded up piece of paper. Being the curious person that I am, I opened it. It was a letter to my dad from my mom. My mom was talking about how she is unhappy in their marriage and that she wants to get a divorce,although she can't because of her four kids. She is suffering in this marriage, and she is really unhappy. I would rather have my parents be apart and happy then together and sad. Also I know what I did was wrong, I should have minded my own Business and never opened the letter,but I did and I can't unread it, so please don't lecture me on what I did was wrong, because I know it was. Also please don't tell me just to forget about it or pretend I never read that,because I am constantly going to be thinking about it now. I can't just forget somethinglike this. I would really love some advice.
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Tell her you saw the letter, and then take the consequences for it.
Divorce rips families apart, and in all honesty, will continue to do damage long after your parents split up *if they do. It's not the actual split that causes so much harm, but the ensuing conflict that never ends over the years. They need to work out their problems, and if after that's done, they get a divorce, well then there is nothing you can do about that- you have no part in their marriage in the first place.
I know it's hard to understand when your younger, but your mom is responsible for her own happiness. She needs to address the issues with your father, and hopefully it works out. Sometimes though, it doesn't. The truth is, even when they split up they aren't happy- for a long, long, long time- and neither will you be either. Urge her to work it out, and urge her to get help for herself for her self-esteem etc.
Good Luck.
I think to get things off your mind a little better you need to be honest and tell your mom you saw the letter and give her your intake on the whole situation. My parents got divorced a year and a half ago and I hate it, I wish they could have worked out there differences but things happen for a reason so I understand why you're upset. I think you and your mom both need someone to talk to and I think yall just need to be there the best yall can for each other. Whatever happens with your parents happens and I wish yalls family the best of luck, but you need to let her know you're there for her if she needs you.
My advice to you is to pray. Pray to Jesus to help your family. Ask him to restore your parents marriage, rekindle their love for each other, give them the will and endurance to overcome the struggles that they are facing right now. Marriage is one of the greatest gifts Jesus gave to us, that allows us to have a life companion who we can love, be intimate with, and grow with. Marriage is great but not perfect and it will never be perfect. Because it is not perfect means we give up, no we must endure to the end with Jesus at our side. Pray, have faith, and believe; and in the days to come you will see Jesus restore your parents marriage and love for each other.