What strategy should I use against the elite four.
My team is composed of
Infernape lv50: flamethrower, focus blast, close combat, taunt
Garchomp lv48: crunch, dragon claw, dig, hyper beam
Bronzong lv 47: earthquake, flash cannon, extrasensory, future sight
Vespiquen lv45: attack order, defend order, heal order, power gem
Drapion lv 48: scissor cross, poison fang, acupressure, toxic spikes
Drifblim lv 45: psychic, fly, omnious wind, stockpile
Alternated moves are welcome
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Answers & Comments
Verified answer
first of all you need to level all of your guys up to a minimum of level 50.
Infernape- get rid of taut and teach fire blast
Garchomp- go get draco meteor by celestic town
Bronzong- great!
Vespiqueen- just level up
Drapion-get rid of acupressure and replace with dig
Driftblim- do you really want this guy? I would replce with a Floatzel knowing Crunch, Focus Blast, Surf, and Ice Fang (My personal Favorite)
And be sure to buy lots of revives and hyper potions
the most important thing is leveling your pokemon to higher levels, i tried when i was about at your level and got destroyed.
Hope this helps
Elite 4 are fairly hard and the champion is even harder.
First thing you should do is lvl up your team to be around lvl 55 since most elite 4 pokemon are around 60 and up.
and you defiantly need a few ice and grass attacks in there.
First level up you Pkmn to 55 or higher.
Infernape-Flamethrower, Fucus Blast,
That's it for alternate moves replace whatever. By the way I still need to get my hands on a DS.
Looks like someone likes to copy & paste from stratagy guides.
use infernape on all of the first guys pokemon.
s5.9.3. The Pokemon League |_____________________________...
Well, here it is: the Pokemon League! The place where champions are made. Use Waterfall to ascend the massive Waterfall, and then enter the glorious building.
Inside, be sure to heal your Pokemon, especially before approaching the door that a person is blocking. There's also a Poke Mart here that sells pretty much everything you might need. I highly recommend stocking up on supplies such as Hyper Potions, Full Restores, Revives, and Full Heals. 10 of each should be sufficient.
Save your game, and then approach the door. As you do so, Rival will show up and challenge you to yet another fight. This time, though, his team is quite formidable.
|| BOSS BATTLE `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| $5300 |\
|\ Pokemon Trainer Rival '._____.'|
|*| Staraptor | NRM / FLY | L48 | M |#|
|*| Heracross | BUG / FTG | L50 | M |#|
|*| Snorlax | NRM | L51 | M |#|
|*| | | | |#|
|*| - If you picked Turtwig: - |#|
|*| Roserade * | GRS / PSN | L49 | M |#|
|*| Floatzel | WTR | L49 | M |#|
|*| Infernape | FIR / FTG | L53 | M |#|
|*| | | | |#|
|*| - If you picked Chimchar: - |#|
|*| Roserade * | GRS / PSN | L49 | M |#|
|*| Rapidash | FIR | L49 | M |#|
|*| Empoleon | WTR / STL | L53 | M |#|
|*| | | | |#|
|*| - If you picked Piplup: - |#|
|*| Rapidash | FIR | L49 | M |#|
|*| Floatzel | WTR | L49 | M |#|
|*| Torterra | GRS / GRD | L53 | M |#|
Rival's team of Pokemon is quite diverse at this point. He will try to use a lot of type-matching against you, so the order that he sends out his Pokemon in depends on what Pokemon you are using. The best advice that I can give is just try to type-match his Pokemon and send out Pokemon that are effective against his. If you can't do that, then try to use your strongest attacks. His starter Pokemon is more than likely your biggest threat, due to its high stats and level.
After beating him, he will run off again. Now, all that's left is for you to talk to the person in front of the door. Do so, and he will check to make sure that you have each of the Gym Badges. Since at this point, you obviously do, he will step aside and let you take on the Elite Four.
|Marriland's Pokemon at this point:|
| - Empoleon Lv60 |
| - Luxray Lv60 |
| - Staraptor Lv60 |
| - Lucario Lv60 |
| - Rampardos Lv43 |
| - Haunter Lv36 |
The first of the Elite Four is Aaron, who primarily uses Bug-type Pokemon. A Flying- or Rock-type Pokemon will be invaluable in this fight, although Electric-, Ice-, and Psychic-type attacks are also effective against some of his Pokemon.
|| BOSS BATTLE `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| $6840 |\
|\ Elite Four Aaron '._____.'|
|*| Dustox | BUG / PSN | L53 | M |#|
|*| [ Toxic ] [ Bug Buzz ] |#|
|*| [ Double Team ] [ Light Screen ] |#|
|*| Heracross | BUG / FTG | L54 | M |#|
|*| [ Megahorn ] [ Close Combat ] |#|
|*| [ Night Slash ] [ Stone Edge ] |#|
|*| Vespiquen | BUG / FLY | L54 | F |#|
|*| [ Attack Order ] [ Defend Order ] |#|
|*| [ Heal Order ] [ Power Gem ] |#|
|*| Beautifly | BUG / FLY | L53 | M |#|
|*| [ Energy Ball ] [ Bug Buzz ] |#|
|*| [ Psychic ] [ Shadow Ball ] |#|
|*| Drapion | PSN / DRK | L57 | M |#|
|*| [ X-Scissor ] [ Cross Poison ] |#|
|*| [ Ice Fang ] [ Aerial Ace ] |#|
You should be fairly familliar with squashing Dustox and Beautifly from all of your encounters with them in your Team Galactic battles. Dustox can use Toxic and can also set up a Light Screen, both of which will hamper your ability to fight at your fullest. Try to take it out with one good Psychic-, Ground-, or Flying-type attack before it gets a chance to use either of those attacks.
Drapion is Aaron's counter to Flying-type Pokemon. It knows Ice Fang to deal with anything trying to exploit the rest of his team's weakness. Poison/Dark is a hard type to find a weakness too. Ground-type attacks are really your only option if you want to do the most damage. Otherwise, just whittle away at its HP with your strongest attacks.
Heracross has a lot of offense, similar to Rival's. It knows Infighting and Mega Horn, both of which are very strong attacks and will do a lot of damage to anything it hits. It also has Stone Edge in its roster of moves to help combat Flying-type Pokemon. However, fortunately Heracross is pretty slow, and it's also 4x weak to Flying, so even a weak Flying-type attack like Aerial Ace will be more than enough to knock it out.
Vespiquen is very sturdy. It has high defenses and decent HP, so it's a bit tricky to take down. One good Rock-type attack will rip it apart, though, but if you don't have one at your disposal, strike it with Electric-, Ice-, or Flying-type attacks to deal the most damage.
After Aaron comes Bertha, the master of Ground-type Pokemon. She also bears a striking resemblance to Agatha from the Elite Four of Kanto, doesn't she? If you have a Grass-type Pokemon, send it to the front of your party now.
|| BOSS BATTLE `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| $7080 |\
|\ Elite Four Bertha '._____.'|
|*| Quagsire | WTR / GRD | L55 | F |#|
|*| [ Dig ] [ Double Team ] |#|
|*| [ Protect ] [ Sandstorm ] |#|
|*| Hippowdon | GRD | L59 | F |#|
|*| [ Earthquake ] [ Stone Edge ] |#|
|*| [ Crunch ] [ Curse ] |#|
|*| Sudowoodo | RCK | L56 | F |#|
|*| [ Earthquake ] [ Sucker Punch ] |#|
|*| [ Hammer Arm ] [ Sandstorm ] |#|
|*| Golem | RCK / GRD | L56 | F |#|
|*| [ Earthquake ] [ Gyro Ball ] |#|
|*| [ Brick Break ] [ Sandstorm ] |#|
|*| Whiscash | WTR / GRD | L55 | F |#|
|*| [ Fissure ] [ Aqua Tail ] |#|
|*| [ Zen Headbutt ] [ Rock Slide ] |#|
Quagsire will start out the battle by annoying you. It loves to use Double Team to raise its evasion, making it harder to hit. It will also whip up a Sandstorm so your HP will be whittled away while you try and fail hitting it. Grass-type attacks will make fodder out of it, though.
Hippowdon's Ability will summon forth a Sandstorm when its sent out, so you'll have to face the whipping sand regardless of whether Quagsire can pull it off or not. Hit it with your strongest Grass- or Water-type attack to put it out cold.
Golem has very high Defense, but it is also 4x weak to both Water- and Grass- type attacks, so using them will knock it out almost positively. Fighting-type attacks are super effective against it, but its high Defense might prevent them from knocking it out with one shot. It's very slow, though, but has high Attack and, as I've already said, high Defense.
Whiscash is also super-weak to Grass-type attacks. Fortunately, it doesn't have Water Absorb, so if you're running through Kikuno's Pokemon with a Water- type and don't want to switch, you won't have to, although it will probably take you two hits to knock it out.
Sudowoodo is really a push over. It has strong attacks, but it's slow and weak to the same types as the rest of her Pokemon. It should be an easy knockout unless you don't have any of those types.
Next up comes the third member of the Elite Four, Flint, whom you've seen earlier in Sunyshore City. He uses Fire-type Pokemon, although really his team is pretty diverse (due to the lack of Fire-type Pokemon in Sinnoh), so be ready to take on a variety of types.
|| BOSS BATTLE `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| $7320 |\
|\ Elite Four Flint '._____.'|
|*| Rapidash | FIR | L58 | M |#|
|*| [ Flare Blitz ] [ SolarBeam ] |#|
|*| [ Bounce ] [ Sunny Day ] |#|
|*| Infernape | FIR / FTG | L61 | M |#|
|*| [ Flare Blitz ] [ ThunderPunch ] |#|
|*| [ Mach Punch ] [ Earthquake ] |#|
|*| Lopunny | NRM | L57 | M |#|
|*| [ Fire Punch ] [ Charm ] |#|
|*| [ Mirror Coat ] [ Sunny Day ] |#|
|*| Steelix | STL / GRD | L57 | M |#|
|*| [ Fire Fang ] [ Rock Tomb ] |#|
|*| [ Screech ] [ Sunny Day ] |#|
|*| Drifblim | GHO / FLY | L58 | M |#|
|*| [ Will-O-Wisp ] [ Ominous Wind ] |#|
|*| [ Double Team ] [ Baton Pass ] |#|
`'============================... Rapidash is very quick and can be pretty powerful, so try and douse its fire with whatever attacks you can throw at it. Its defenses are pretty shaky, though, so one good hit and its gone.
Infernape is the monster of his team, possessing very powerful moves and high attack stats to use them. Flare Blitz, a Fire-type Double Edge move (120 base power), will do a considerable amount of damage to anything it hits. It also has Mach Punch to get a jump on your faster Pokemon. Flying- or Water-type Pokemon are most effective against it, although it has Thunderpunch, so make sure that it can take the hit. Also try to avoid using your Rock-type Pokemon here.
Steelix has massive Defense, as always, but it's slow as tar and is very weak to Water- or Fire-type attacks. If you have any Special-based Fighting- or Ground-type attacks, those will be effective as well, although its Defense will prevent any Physical-based ones from being very potent. Drifblim has great HP, and it also knows Baton Pass, although it never seemed to do anything more than provide a slight annoyance against me.
His Lopunny has Mirror Coat, which will counter any of your Special-based attacks, so try and use Physical-based attacks against it unless you want to risk getting knocked out.
Once you've beaten Flint, only one more Elite Four member will be remaining: Lucian. Lucian uses strong Psychic-type Pokemon. He'll start off with a Mr. Mime, so try and start with a Dark- or Ghost-type Pokemon or a Pokemon with a Dark-type attack (like Crunch or Dark Pulse).
|| BOSS BATTLE `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| $7560 |\
|\ Elite Four Lucian '._____.'|
|*| Mr. Mime | PSY | L59 | M |#|
|*| [ Psychic ] [ Thunderbolt ] |#|
|*| [ Reflect ] [ Light Screen ] |#|
|*| Medicham | FTG / PSY | L60 | M |#|
|*| [ Drain Punch ] [ Fire Punch ] |#|
|*| [ ThunderPunch ] [ Ice Punch ] |#|
|*| Alakazam | PSY | L60 | M |#|
|*| [ Psychic ] [ Energy Ball ] |#|
|*| [ Focus Blast ] [ Recover ] |#|
|*| Bronzong | STL / PSY | L63 | |#|
|*| [ Psychic ] [ Gyro Ball ] |#|
|*| [ Earthquake ] [ Calm Mind ] |#|
|*| Girafarig | NRM / PSY | L59 | M |#|
|*| [ Psychic ] [ Shadow Ball ] |#|
|*| [ Double Hit ] [ Crunch ] |#|
Mr. Mime knows both Light Screen and Reflect, which will half your Special- based and Physical-based damage for 5 turns respectively. It has Psychic and Thunderbolt to inflict some damage.
Medicham is a monster with its high Attack stat (thanks to its Ability, Pure Power). It uses Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, and Drain Punch (Fighting-type move). Although it doesn't have any Psychic-type moves, its Physical-based Punches will be very strong and they cover a very wide range of different type weaknesses, so you need to try and take it out as quickly as possible. Its defenses are pretty low, though, so a quick, strong attack will inflict heavy damage on it. Flying-type attacks are also very effective against it.
Alakazam is very fast and very strong. It knows Focus Blast, a Special-based Fighting-type move that inflicts heavy damage. Very nasty if you're planning on using a Dark-type Pokemon against it. It also knows Psychic, which will do a ton of damage to pretty much anything that isn't Dark-type.
Lucian's Bronzong has very high Defense and Special Defense, although it has rather low Special Attack, so you're in luck. However, it will use Calm Mind frequently, which will raise both its Special Attack and Special Defense. After using that, its Psychic attack will be quite strong. It also knows Gyro Ball which is effective against your faster Pokemon.
Girafarig is deceptively effective at throwing Psychic around. It will do some decent damage. Other than that, Girafarig shouldn't be too much of a threat. Dark-type attacks are your best bet against it. Be sure not to use Ghost-type attacks, though, because it has full immunity to them due to it being part Normal-type.
Once you've beaten Lucian, heal your Pokemon to full HP, then walk down the path to face the Pokemon League Champion... Cynthia!
___________________ __________
\`.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~./___________... /
|| FINAL BATTLE `~~~~~~~~~~~~~| $13200 |.
|\ Champion Cynthia /________\|
|.| Spiritomb | GHO / DRK | L61 | F |.|
|:| [ Dark Pulse ] [ Psychic ] |:|
|;| [ Silver Wind ] [ Embargo ] |;|
|;| Gastrodon | WTR / GRD | L60 | F |;|
______ |:| [ Muddy Water ] [ Earthquake ] |:| ______
|:| [ Stone Edge ] [ Sludge Bomb ] |:|
__________ |.| Milotic | WTR | L63 | F |.| __________
|:| [ Surf ] [ Ice Beam ] |:|
|;| [ Mirror Coat ] [ Aqua Ring ] |;|
_____________ |;|___________________________... _____________
|;| Garchomp | DRG / GRD | L66 | F |;|
__________ |:| [ Dragon Rush ] [ Earthquake ] |:| __________
|:| [ Brick Break ] [ Giga Impact ] |:|
______ |.| Lucario | FTG / STL | L63 | M |.| ______
|:| [ Aura Sphere ] [ Dragon Pulse ] |:|
|;| [ Psychic ] [ Earthquake ] |;|
|;| Roserade | GRS / PSN | L60 | F |;|
|:| [ Energy Ball ] [ Sludge Bomb ] |:|
|:| [ Shadow Ball ] [ Extrasensory ] |:|
There aren't a lot of common weaknesses is Cynthia's team. Her Spiritomb doesn't have any weaknesses, actually, so don't worry so much about what Pokemon you start with in this fight. With its high Defense and Special Defense and total lack of weakness, Spiritomb will likely take a few good shots to take down. Its offenses aren't that great, though, so at least you shouldn't be too threatened.
Gastrodon's only real weakness is Grass-type attacks, so if you don't have any of those, try to rely on using your strongest Physical-based attacks against it, because it has lower Defense than it does Special Defense. Be careful, though, because it has strong moves such as Earthquake, Stone Edge, Muddy Water, and even Sludge Bomb.
Her Milotic can be a real pain to take down. It's weak to Electric- and Grass- type attacks, although it has the HP and defenses to take a good hit from one of them and still survive. Avoid inflicting it with a status ailment, though, because otherwise its Marvel Scale Ability will kick in and raise its Defense by 1.5x. It also has Mirror Coat, which is nasty if you use a Special-based attack against it, because it will inflict double that damage back to you (unless you knock it out, of course). Avoid using them if you can.
Garchomp is a fierce Dragon/Ground-type Pokemon with high Attack and Speed. It also has nice HP, as well as decent defenses, making it quite hardy and a challenge to take down. It can use Dragon Rush, an extremely powerful Dragon- type attack; Earthquake, which is just plain nasty and it gets the Same Type Attack Bonus, making it really deadly; Giga Impact, which is like a beefed up Hyper Beam; and Brick Break for a nice, solid Fighting-type attack. Your best bet against it is a strong Ice-type attack (beware Brick Break, though!) or a Dragon-type attack of your own, although otherwise just strike it with your strongest attacks and try to keep your HP as high as possible.
Lucario, which you probably haven't fought against since your fight with Maylene, is a difficult Pokemon to take down due to its great types. Fighting-, Ground-, and Fire-type attacks are awesome against Lucario, but nearly everything else is really quite ineffective. It knows Dragon Pulse, Earthquake, Psychic, and Aura Sphere, giving it a very large array of powerful attacks. It also has high Attack and Special Attack, as well as good Speed, but fortunately its defensive stats aren't so hot. Use that to your advantage.
Her Roserade shouldn't be quite as difficult compared to the rest of her Pokemon, but it's still a formidable foe. It boasts very high Special Attack and quite high Special Defense, and its Speed isn't half bad either. It can use Sludge Bomb, which will put a serious dent in your Pokemon's HP. Steel-type Pokemon are amazing to use against Roserade.
After beating all six of Cynthia's Pokemon, she will tell you to climb the platform up. Do so, and you'll be taken through the door. Inside, Cynthia will lead you to where you register yourself and your Pokemon as the new Pokemon League Champions. Professor Rowan will also join you and congratulate you on your accomplishment.
Congratulations! You are the new Pokemon League Champion!!