Ive gone to a private school all my life. However, the high school im going to is public. I dont want to be mean with my comments, but the basic stereotypes that the rich kids in my school say are that people in public are poor people who sell drugs in class and stuff and beat you up if you wear expensive clothes. Is that effin true ? Because if it is, ill dish the Polo shirt and my white pants for a simple t-shirt and jeans. Im really uneducated in this topic and dont want to sound arrogant, i also dont necessarily support these stereotypes at all.
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That's not true at all. Keep in mind that these are rich kids, so what exactly is poor to them? Depending on area maybe there are ghetto. But you know what in all the schools no matter where there are kids that will do things that aren't right. The high school I go to is in the middle of a very bad area but we still have some of the best programs in our area and most o the school parades around in polo, Nike, gucci etc. I suggest however that if you are concerned with fitting in lay low until you get a feel for the school. You meet a lot of interesting people in high school. Just enjoy the experience. It's not scary, it's not even bad it's like private school but bigger and more diverse and free.
Dude take a freakin chill pill. I went to private school K-5, hated it. Went to public school and absolutely adored it. Probably didn't help that my school was an all-girl's school. I thought the same things as you. Not many people are poor and they don't sell drugs in class -_-... wear whatever you want just don't brag to everyone about it.
The majority of Public School wear uniforms.In my experience they don't sell drugs in class.
well the last part about expensive clothes is kinda true but as long as you dont BRAG about being in private schools all your life then they wont bother you, cause they kinda disagree when it comes to those things.