No his voice was nice and all, however he was up against Luther as the late 80's / 90's baladeer. There wasnt anything groundbreaking about his tunes in the r&b genere at the time. He wasnt funky and didnt dance at all...he got what he could get @ the time...
Yeah. But he was up against some heavyweights back then like Luther, James Ingram, Jeffrey Osborne, Billy Ocean among alot of artists. But Freddie held his own.
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No his voice was nice and all, however he was up against Luther as the late 80's / 90's baladeer. There wasnt anything groundbreaking about his tunes in the r&b genere at the time. He wasnt funky and didnt dance at all...he got what he could get @ the time...
Yeah. But he was up against some heavyweights back then like Luther, James Ingram, Jeffrey Osborne, Billy Ocean among alot of artists. But Freddie held his own.
Yes, I think so, he kinda got lost in a huge sea of very talented and great singers at that time.
I think his singing talent was underrated but I don't think his music was, if that makes any sense to you.
yes he was billed as the poor mans Luther, but he had some jams under his belt that did very well
Yes -- I think he was overshadowed by Luther (not saying Luther couldn't sing or anything).
yes he was so was bobby womack
and bobby caldwell